Tuesday 27 December 2016

comparing Irish music and Italian music

History of Italian music

Italian music dates back to around early Christianity. Music in Italy started off as chanting in churches. Chat traditions from the north of Italy started to replace traditional chanting that had been there since early Christianity, this lead to a new type of music. Nothing much happened in terms of music until the Renaissance. In the Renaissance time period, madrigals (part of a song with several voices) were written for other ranges of voices and polyphonic music (music with many melodies) was banned, by the church, composers began to publish new music in the Renaissance style of music. In the time between 17th century and the 18th century instruments were changed for example: the piano was extended and more instruments could now take part in songs. Also opera houses (see photo)  were built in Naples. In the 19th century Opera music was still very popular in Italy and in comparison to other countries the music didn't really change all that much. It took a long time for popular music to come to Italy, pop music was brought about in Italy due to the TV which showed Italian people foreign music.

Comparing Irish music and Italian music

Comparing Irish music and Italian music is rather interesting because Italian music has a lot of opera music in comparison to Irish music. Opera music generally has only 1 person singing where as traditional Irish music has no one singing and generally has instruments playing in the background. They are both 2 very different forms of music. While you can go and watch Opera music there are few similarities between Irish and Italian music.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Source for photo:http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/classical/news/lend-us-a-tenor-italian-opera-houses-in-need-of-funding-9047413.html  


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